Dr. Purnendu Roy: Your Trusted Choice for Laparoscopic Surgery in Kolkata


Dr. Purnendu Roy is one of the best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Kolkata. He established himself as a top authority in laparoscopic surgery through his passion for surgical excellence and dedication to patient care. The importance of laparoscopic surgery and why patients choose him as the top laparoscopic surgeon in Kolkata step by step in this blog. Together, let's explore the world of minimally invasive surgery.

Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Kolkata

Introducing Dr. Purnendu Roy

Dr. Purnendu Roy is an achieved laparoscopic surgeon with years of experience who is well-known for his proficiency and accuracy in carrying out surgical treatments. Dr. Roy has a solid educational foundation and considerable training, and he has built a solid reputation for his excellent surgical abilities, sympathetic patient care, and dedication to achieving positive results. He is considered as Kolkata top laparoscopic surgeon, offering cutting-edge surgical procedures with the finest expertise and compassion.

Laparoscopic Surgery: A Basic Understanding

Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, is a revolutionary approach that utilizes small incisions and specialized surgical instruments to perform procedures with precision and minimal disruption to the body. This technique offers several advantages over traditional open surgery, including reduced pain, faster recovery, smaller scars, and a lower risk of complications.

Comprehensive Laparoscopic Procedures

As the best laparoscopic surgeon in Kolkata, Dr. Purnendu Roy specializes in a wide range of laparoscopic procedures. From diagnostic laparoscopy to complex surgeries, Dr. Roy has extensive experience in areas such as laparoscopic hernia repair, gallbladder surgery, appendectomy, colorectal surgery, and weight loss surgery.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Dr. Purnendu Roy's clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology, providing a safe and comfortable environment for patients. Dr. Roy's commitment to excellence extends to every aspect of his practice, from the facility itself to the instruments and equipment used during surgeries.

Testimonials and Patient Satisfaction

The success of Dr. Purnendu Roy as the best laparoscopic surgeon in Kolkata is reflected in the testimonials and positive feedback from his patients. Numerous individuals have shared their experiences, highlighting Dr. Roy's surgical skills, compassionate care, and the life-changing results they achieved through his expertise. The high patient satisfaction rate is a testament to Dr. Roy's dedication to providing exceptional surgical care and improving the lives of his patients.


In Kolkata, Dr. Purnendu Roy is regarded as the height of laparoscopic surgery excellence. He blends surgical proficiency, cutting-edge technology, and a patient-centric philosophy to provide excellent results as the top laparoscopic surgeon. Your trustworthy source for secure, efficient, and kind surgical care is Dr. Roy's clinic at www.drpurnenduroy.com, regardless of whether you need a simple operation or a sophisticated surgical intervention. With Dr. Purnendu Roy, you can experience the transformation potential of laparoscopic surgery in a setting where your health is always put first.


For More Details Please Contact


Dr. Purnendu Roy


1655, Rajdanga Main Rd, Sarat Park,  

Rajdanga, Kasba, Kolkata 700107


Call: +91 90622007396


  1. Dr. Anupam Goel is famously renowned as the best laparoscopic surgeon in Chandigarh for his incredible accuracy, experience and treating patients pleasantly. Dr. Anupam Goel has a vast experience in the minimal invasive surgery and he has been performing different types of laparoscopic surgeries as a surgeon like cholecystectomy, herniorrhaphy, appendectomy and bariatric surgeries among others.


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